Thursday, October 21, 2010

Practice Questions

Practice Questions
Here are some sample exam questions. Good luck.

Short Answer Questions

1. Social epidemiologists aim to identify patterns of morbidity and mortality, define morbidity and mortality.

2. Epidemiological studies have shown dramatic increases in life span worldwide. List 3 other patterns of morbidity and mortality indicated through epidemiological studies.

3. Outline the main difference between reformist and materialist epidemiology

4. How do socio-economic factors shape the distribution and consumption of food, and what are some of the consequences of this patterned distribution/consumption?

5. Our social position (within the socially structured hierarchy) affects our access to material resources for health and wellness. How does access to transportation affect our health?

6. What do we mean by the ‘feminization of poverty’?

7. List three socio-cultural variables which shape how food is used.

8. How have macro political and economic factors shaped transportation in the US?

9. How are environmental harms socially distributed?

10. What do placebo studies suggest about the mind/body relationship?

11. What social groups are most at risk from dramaturgical stress?

12. List and outline/define the three factors which determine how susceptible one is to stress.

The second part of the exam will entail an extended essay. Here are some sample questions. You will be expected to write at least 1-2 pages in response.

Extended Essays

Medical sociologists claim that people’s choices are constrained and enabled by their material surroundings and their social standing in society. Consider this notion by exploring specific material and environmental factors which lead to differential outcomes in regard to mortality and morbidity.

How does social status affect health? Consider both the physical and environmental factors impacting health, as well as the research examining social-relationships, cultural symbolism, and so on.

1 comment:

Collin said...

Thanks again simmons for helping me with studying.