Monday, November 29, 2010


Hey Class, here are some practice questions.

Also, please remember that part of your participation is tied to your blog participation so make sure you leave comments! Some of you have been leaving some very interesting observations...

1. Define medicalization of society?

2. What is the main premise of social constructionism?

3. In the second half of the twentieth century medicalization has proliferated. What are TWO indicators/trends which evidence this phenomenon?

4. Define demedicalization

5. Define social control

6. Describe how the dominance of the ‘scientific’ paradigm in the West has helped to further medicalization.

7. The capacity to create (medical) knowledge in the West is socially distributed. List three groups who have produced medical ‘knowledge’. Give examples of the ‘knowledge’ each group has created.

8. In what ways have ‘deviance’ and ‘crime’ been medicalized?

9. How is informal social control different from formal social control?

Extended Essays

A. Direct to consumer advertising has increased exponentially in recent years. Consider the (positive and negative) effects of this trend for society.

B. With reference to a specific case-study, describe how pharmaceutical companies have contributed to processes of medicalization.

C. The institution of (bio)medicine has been afforded increasing authority to define categories of deviance/normalcy. Consider why and how this has occurred AND consider the effects of this trend on society.

Direct to Consumer Advertising

Hi Guys, Professor Campbell had asked me to post this link during our discussion on the role of direct to consumer advertising. Its a really fascinating snippet. Please leave a post on it, or something associated with it.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Myths of Obesity

Hello Class,

We are finally getting down to the last few weeks of the semester. In class we've been discussing how medical knowledge is socially contingent. The power that medical doctors and scientists have to produce facts around health is so normative and ideological that we precieve them as truisms. In our society, we precieve obesity as something that is unhealthy, something to be medicalized, however is this the case? Below is a link to a a book entitled obesity myths. I'd am looking forward for some good, well thought responses.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Selling Sickness

As we discussed in class medicalization is the process, by which the normal human condition increasingly become defined as pathological. A key component in medicalization is what some consider to be disease mongering, which refers to the process by which healthy people are persuaded that they are ill.

I'm sorry this video is not working properly. I will post a link to the video on youtoube. Its just over 4 minutes long.


ALoha. For those of you who are feeling stressed out you might want to think of trying some yoga. It might be a better way to deal with the stresses you face everyday. While doing yoga you try to bring your body back to is optimal functioning by... relaxing your breathing, strengthening your muscles and alleviating stress that may cause tension throughout you body. I don't know much about yoga, but take some time to check it out.. maybe give it a try.
Yoga Today is a good resource for those of you who don't have access to yoga classes. It provides a weekly class, and you can do it in the privacy of your own home so you don't have to look like a fool. Here is a link to the website...